The medical industry has been rapidly undergoing technological advances. New innovations come up every day as solutions to the never ending demands of the industry. To provide best available options of treatment to its patients, it’s very important that doctors and medical practitioners keep updating themselves with the latest information and technology available.
Use of proper medical equipment is an important part of the treatment process. With the most advanced equipment currently available, all dimensions of treatment, starting from diagnosis to final monitoring, have been effortless and accurate. It is also very important to use a trusted brand or dealer to purchase the equipment so as to not compromise the quality of the equipment.
Advanced medical equipment require quite a good amount of investment. Doctors who are just establishing their clinics or small establishments will find it difficult to invest so much in equipment among all the other expenses. It will also be quite expensive to replace an existing machine which requires repair and maintenance. Refurbished equipment can be effective alternatives to this problem. There are several authorized dealers who specialize in delivering refurbished or used equipment. They restore the machine back to its original condition with the help of highly skilled technicians and if needed will change some parts which can be replaced. They will be thoroughly inspected to ensure that they are as good as new and will be tested to see if they are working as they should.
Although there are companies who provide extensive services, there are also others who do not give substantial efforts to maintain quality. There can be several measures to check if the equipment passes its quality test. The first among them is to check the company’s track record and experience in providing the service. It should be legally authorized and certified to deal with restoration and refurbishment services. It is also good to check their process, the skill & training of technicians and their policies on warranty.
Considering the serious nature of health hazards by using poor-quality refurbished equipment, some countries have restricted the use of pre-owned medical supplies, India being one of them. In the case of re-furbished equipment, it is mandatory to get procurement documents & quality assurance certificates from certified technicians. The quality control measures and the guidelines of concerned government authority must be strictly adhered to while considering the purchase of refurbished medical equipment.
For instance, Imaging / Radiology equipment in India must have procurement license, operating license and periodic Quality Assurance checks etc. from AERB (Atomic Energy Regulatory Board), a subsidiary of BARC. The institution using these equipment must be enrolled with AERB and adhere to all the required radiation safety norms. AERB ensures patient & Care-giver safety from unnecessary radiation exposure and also that hospitals do not use outdated, unsafe equipment which do not comply with safety norms.