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Maternity hospitals are meant to take care of mother and child starting from preconceiving till birth of baby. A typical maternity set-up should have the following different departments:
- Out-patient Department (OPD) – OPD is where consultations and regular checkups are done on regular basis either for a one-off problem or during the entire pregnancy to ensure safe pregnancy.
- Labour room – When the pregnant women ready to deliver either because she has been induced or goes into labour naturally, she is usually retained in the labour room.
- Operation Thetare (OT) – In-case of emergency if operation / cesarean/ C-section needs to be done, patient is immediately shifted to Operation theater for delivering the baby.
- In-patient rooms / wards – Once the baby is delivered mother and baby need to be shifted to ward.
- NICU – Sometimes newborn is delivered prematurely or underweight he/she is shifted to neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) for further care and observation.
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Download Maternity & NICU Equipment List for just Rs 500
- Birthing bed / Delivery table/ Labour cot
Obstetric Labor cot a stainless steel cot with three sections top, is one of the most important equipment for maternity ward or hospital. Leg section can completely slide under the main section. It has mechanically or electrically assisted Trendlenburg & Rtrend position. The birthing bed is unique in terms of original technical design providing wide range of solution which makes its usage comfortable for woman in labour as well as assisting personnel.
Brands available are Bharat Engineering Works, Gems, Linak, Mathurams, Suchi Dentals, and from local fabricators.
- Vacuum apparatus / Suction apparatus / Suction machine :
Suction apparatus is a medical device used to remove different types of secretions including liquid or gaseous secretions from the body cavity. It is based on the principle of vacuuming. There are mainly two types of suction apparatus, Single jar and double jar type.
Suction may be used to clear the airway of blood, saliva, vomit, or other secretions so that a patient may breathe properly. In pulmonary hygiene, suction is used to remove fluids from the airways, to facilitate breathing and prevent growth of microorganisms. Suctioning can prevent pulmonary aspiration, which can lead to lung infections.
Brands available are Hospitech, Galtron, Mathurams, Niscomed, Hospitech, Rocket medical, Sunshine, and others.
- OT light/ Shadowless lamp
A Surgical light which is also called as an operating light is a medical equipment which helps medical personnel during a surgery by illuminating on a local area of the patient. During the surgery the intensity from each dome should be uniform. The lights used for surgery should be shadow less. There are several types in the surgical lights based on their mounting, type of light source, illumination, size etc. as Ceiling type, Mobile OT light, Stand type, single dome, double dome, LED, Halogen etc.
Brands available are Philips, Dr. Med, Hospitech, Neomed, Technomed, United, Cognate, Mavig and others.
- Anesthesia machine
The Anesthetic machine or anesthesia machine or Boyle’s machine is used by physician anesthesiologists to support the administration of anesthesia. They provide an accurate and continuous supply of medical gases as oxygen and nitrous oxide, mixed with an accurate concentration of anesthetic vapour such as isoflurane and deliver this to the patient at safe pressure and flow. Modern anesthesia machines incorporate a ventilator, suction unit, and patient monitoring devices.
An Anesthesia machine includes of a gas delivery platform, a data analysis and distribution system, and physiologic and multigas monitors which are optional, which indicate levels and variations of some variables and parameters associated with cardio function and/or gas concentrations in gas mixtures. Manufacturers typically offer a minimum combination of monitors, alarms, and other features that customers must purchase to meet standards and ensure patient safety.
Brands available are GE- Datex Ohmeda, Aestiva Aespire, DRE Integra, Ventura, Maquet, Drager – Apollo, Fabius, Mindray A7, A5, Medion, Lifeline, L & T, Spacelabs, Skanray Athena SV 200, SkanSiesta, Athena 500i, BPL E – Flo 6 D, BPL Penlon and others.
- CTG machine / Fetal monitor
Cardiotocograph or Fetal monitor is used for recording fetal heart beats and uterine contraction during pregnancy and the technique is cardiotocography. This is among the most important equipment for maternity to be used during pregnancy and labour.
A CTG done in third trimester is also known as a ‘non stress test’ because your baby is not under the ‘stress’ of labour. Fetal monitoring is done by measuring the fetal heart and uterine contractions using two transducers simultaneously. In external fetal monitoring two transducers (pressure sensitive contraction transducer and fetal heart rate transducer) are strapped on the abdominal wall, while in internal fetal monitoring fetal heart rate transducer is replaced by smaller lead which is placed in vagina and attached with head of baby. Women with high risk pregnancies or having their labour induced or augmented with medicine are observed by connecting electric fetal monitor continuously.
Brands available are BPL, Niscomed, Sunray, Sunshine, Technocare, Janitri and others
- Pulse oximeter
Pulse oximetry is a noninvasive method for monitoring a person’s oxygen saturation (SO2). Though its reading of SpO2 (peripheral oxygen saturation) is not always identical to the more desirable reading of SpO2 (arterial oxygen saturation) from arterial blood gas analysis, the two are correlated well enough that the safe, convenient, noninvasive, inexpensive pulse oximetry method is valuable for measuring oxygen saturation in clinical use.
In its common application mode, a sensor device is placed on a thin part of the patient’s body, usually a fingertip or earlobe, or in the case of an infant, across a foot. A finger pulse oximeter is equipped with technology to rapidly detect changes in your blood oxygen level.
Brands available are BPL, Bionet, Charmcare, Newnik, Niscomed, Sunshine, Technocare and others
- Oxygen cylinder
An Oxygen cylinder or tank is an oxygen storage vessel, which is either held under pressure in gas cylinders, or as liquid oxygen in a cryogenic storage tank. Oxygen cylinders are used to store gas for medical breathing at medical facilities and at home.
Cylinders are available in sizes of 5 ltr, 10 ltrs and 50ltrs.
- Radiant warmer
Newborn needs a warm atmosphere in the initial moments of his/her life, therefore radiant warmers are used to maintain the body temperature of newborn infants. This equipment is used to maintain the body temperature of newborn and limit the metabolism rate. Some new born babies have tendency of rapid heat loss, hence warmers are used as an artificial support engine to maintain their body temperature. This is a must have equipment for maternity facility as it is essential for the newborn.
A radiant warmer has a mounted overhead heating system which provides heat and an open tray where babies are kept. A temperature measuring knob is attached to babies which helps in monitoring their skin temperature and a small LCD panel displays the variation in skin temperature continuously.
Brands available are GE Panda Warmer, GE Giraffe Warmer, Fanem , Fisher & Paykel, Galtron ,Hospitech, Mathurams, Neokraft, Neumovent, Nice Neotech, Perfect Technology, Phoenix, Pragathi, Zeal and IBIS.
OPD & Diagnostics for Maternity
- Ultrasound machine
Sonography is a noninvasive diagnostic test that uses sound waves to create a visual image of your baby, placenta, and uterus, as well as other pelvic organs.
Ultrasound helps the doctor to examine the patient of various health issues. Scanning helps the doctor to confirm the pregnancy, to check the growth of the baby, congenital abnormalities, position of fetus, position of placenta and multiple pregnancies. Ultrasound is a must-have equipment for maternity centres.
Ultrasound scanners consist of a console containing a computer and electronics, a video display screen and a transducer that is used to scan the body. The transducer is a small, hand-held device about the size of a bar of soap, attached to the scanner by a cord. The radiologist or sonographer spreads a lubricating gel on the patient’s abdomen in the area being examined, and then presses the transducer firmly against the skin to obtain images.
The ultrasound image is immediately visible on a nearby screen that looks much like a computer or television monitor. The radiologist or sonographer watches this screen during an examination and captures representative images for storage. Often, the patient is able to see it as well.
An ultrasound machine can be black and white or coloured type; standalone or portable type; and 2D, 3D or 4D type.
In general probes needed will be convex/ abdominal probe, linear probe and transvaginal probe.
Brands available are Aloka, BPL, GE, Konika, Mindray, Philips, Siemens, Samsung, Toshiba, Sonoscape, Medison, Skanray and others.
- Fetal Doppler
Fetal Doppler is a hand-held ultrasound transducer used to detect the fetal heartbeat for prenatal care. It uses the Doppler effect to provide an audible simulation of the hearbeat.
Fetal Doppler gives electronic audio output, which allows people to hear the heart beats. Fetal dopplers are safe for both professional and home use and do not require a prescription. Research does not indicate any risk to the mother or the baby when a fetal doppler is used. the fetal doppler can provide reassurance and can help you bond with your baby before birth, it should not be used as medical advice. Any concerns you have should be directed to your doctor or midwife.
Brands available are Huntleigh, Promed, Sunray, Wallach, Contec, Biocare, Comen etc.
On the whole fetal heart monitoring is an essential part of maternity, hence a fetal heart monitoring device is one of the most important equipment for maternity facility. However with advancement of technology we now have wireless, belt-less, patch-based, remote monitoring fetal heart monitors, that can help mothers do so from the convenience of home.
- Spotlight
Spotlight projects a bright beam of light on specific part of patient body, helping in examination.
Spot light can be wall mount type or stand type. Spotlight may have halogen or led lamp but to avoid excessive heat generation from halogen, now a days LED lamps are preferred.
Brands available are Philips, Hospitech, Dr. Med, and others.
An operating theatre which can also be called as an operating room is a place in a hospital where surgical procedures are carried out in a sterile environment. In an operating room there is operating table, where a patient undergoes operation for the cure of any disease or for pregnancy. The operation theatre must have an operating table which allows positioning of the patient and be convenient for the doctors who perform the surgery on that particular patient. During the surgery the operating room must have sufficient illumination of light so as to enable the doctor to perform major surgeries in that light. The atmosphere of the operation theatre must be sterile, so that no bacteria of any other infection attract to the operated patient and also to the surgeons and other staff present in the room. An operation room consist of many equipment which are compulsory.
- Operating Table/Surgical Table:
Surgical tables or operating table is an equipment which is a necessities for a hospital. For performing a surgery operating table is important, so that the patient on whom the surgery is to be performed can be placed on the table.
An operating table can be manual / hydraulic or electric which is operated by remote. Selection of surgical table depends on type of procedure to be conducted as Orthopaedic set-up need a surgical table with ortho attachments. An operating table is designed with flexibility for positioning of the patient.
Brands available are Suchi dental, Gems, Hospitech, Mathurams, Palakkad, Confident, Janak and others.
- Surgical lights / OT Light
A surgical light which is also called as an operating light is a medical equipment which helps medical personnel during a surgery by illuminating on a local area of the patient. During the surgery the intensity from each dome should be uniform. The lights used for surgery should be shadow less. There are several types in the surgical lights based on their mounting, type of light source, illumination, size etc. as Ceiling type, Mobile OT light, Stand type, single dome, double dome, LED, Halogen etc.
Brands available are Philips, Dr. Med, Hospitech, Neomed, Technomed, United, Cognate, Mavig and others.
- Electrosurgical unit / Cautery machine
An Electrosurgical unit is used in surgery to cut, coagulate, or otherwise alter tissue, often to limit the amount of blood flow to an area and increase visibility during a surgery. This equipment is crucial to cauterizing and minimizing blood loss during surgery.
An electrosurgical unit (ESU) comprise of a generator and a handpiece with electrodes. The device is managed using a switch on the handpiece or a foot switch. Electrosurgical generators can produce a variety of electrical waveforms.
Diathermy is used in some context as a synonym for Electro surgery but in other meaning diathermy means dielectric heating, produced by rotation of molecular dipoles in a high frequency electromagnetic field. Electro surgery is generally used in all surgical procedure which includes dermatological, gynecological, cardiac, plastic, ocular, spine, ENT, maxillofacial, orthopedic, urological, neuro- and general surgical procedures as well as certain dental procedures.
The electrosurgery technology used to seal blood vessels up to 7mm in diameter is known as vessel sealing, and the equipment used is vessel sealer. Vessel sealer is used laparoscopic and open surgical procedures.
Brands available are BPL Cm 2601, Cuadra Epsilon 400 series, Epsilon Plus Electro surgical unit and vessel sealer, Eclipse, Galtron SSEG 402, SSEG 302, 400B plus, Hospitech 400 W, Mathurams 200 W, Sunshine SD 400, Technomed 250 EB Alan and others.
- Anesthesia workstation / Boyle’s apparatus
The anesthetic machine or anesthesia machine or Boyle’s machine is used by physician anesthesiologists to support the administration of anesthesia. They provide an accurate and continuous supply of medical gases as oxygen and nitrous oxide, mixed with an accurate concentration of anesthetic vapour such as isoflurane and deliver this to the patient at safe pressure and flow. Modern anesthesia machines incorporate a ventilator, suction unit, and patient monitoring devices.
An Anesthesia machine includes of a gas delivery platform, a data analysis and distribution system, and physiologic and multigas monitors which are optional, which indicate levels and variations of some variables and parameters associated with cardio function and/or gas concentrations in gas mixtures. Manufacturers typically offer a minimum combination of monitors, alarms, and other features that customers must purchase to meet standards and ensure patient safety.
Brands available are GE- Datex Ohmeda, Aestiva Aespire, DRE Integra, Ventura, Maquet, Drager – Apollo, Fabius, Mindray A7, A5, Medion, Lifeline, L & T, Spacelabs, Skanray Athena SV 200, SkanSiesta, Athena 500i, BPL E – Flo 6 D, BPL Penlon and others.
5. Suction apparatus / Suction machine / Vacuum apparatus
Suction apparatus is a medical device used to remove different types of secretions including liquid or gaseous secretions from the body cavity. It is based on the principle of vacuuming. There are mainly two types of suction apparatus, Single jar and double jar type.
Suction may be used to clear the airway of blood, saliva, vomit, or other secretions so that a patient may breathe properly. In pulmonary hygiene, suction is used to remove fluids from the airways, to facilitate breathing and prevent growth of microorganisms. Suctioning can prevent pulmonary aspiration, which can lead to lung infections.
Brands available are Hospitech, Galtron, Mathurams, Niscomed and others.
- Sterilizer / Autoclave
Hospital sterilizers kill all forms of microbial life including fungus, bacteria, viruses, spores, and all other entities present on surgical tools and other medical items. Usually sterilization process is done by bringing an instrument to a high temperature with steam, dry heat, or boiling liquid.
An autoclave sterilizes equipment and supplies using high-pressure saturated steam for a short period of time. Autoclaves are used in hospitals to sterilize medical equipment.
Brands available are Modis, Hospitech, Primus, Steris, Galtron, Mathurams, Castle and others.
- ECG machine
ECG or EKG machine is used to record the function of the heart. The heart disorders that can be detected by ECG machine is valve disease, electrolyte imbalance, pre heart attacks, coronary artery disease, and a big range of other possible heart related problems.
An ECG machine records the electrical action of the heart on graph. Electrodes are placed on the patient on whom the ECG is performed on different parts of the body which includes arms, legs, and chest. Some ECG machines have 5 lead, some have 10 lead and also 12 lead that are attached to the body. It takes around 5 minutes for the ECG machine to read the signals sent through the lead on the graph. The physicians are trained to read the graphs printed by ECG machine.
Brands available are BPL, Bionet, Contec, Nasan, Nihon Kohden, Niscomed, Schiller, Sunshine, Technocare, GE, HP, Philips and others.
- Fetal Doppler / fetal monitor / CTG
Cardiotocograph or Fetal monitor is used for recording fetal heart beats and uterine contraction during pregnancy and the technique is cardiotocography.
A CTG done in third trimester is also known as a ‘non stress test’ because your baby is not under the ‘stress’ of labour. Fetal monitoring is done by measuring the fetal heart and uterine contractions using two transducers simultaneously. In external fetal monitoring two transducers (pressure sensitive contraction transducer and fetal heart rate transducer) are strapped on the abdominal wall, while in internal fetal monitoring fetal heart rate transducer is replaced by smaller lead which is placed in vagina and attached with head of baby. Women with high risk pregnancies or having their labour induced or augmented with medicine are observed by connecting electric fetal monitor continuously.
Brands available are BPL, Sunray, Niscomed, Sunshine, Technocare and others.
- Syringe pump
Syringe pump is a small infusion pump used to gradually deliver small amount of fluid with or without medication to a patient.
Brands available are Smith Medical, BPL Acura S, B Braun, Sunshine, Contec, Micrel Medical device, Promed, Mindray, Stryker, Trivitron, Nipro, Biocare, Fresenius Kabi, DRE and others.
- Infusion pump
Infusion pump is a medical device used to administer fluids, such as nutrients and medications, into a patient’s body in controlled amounts.
Brands available are Smith Medical, BPL Accua V, B Braun, Sunshine, Contec, Promed, Mindray, Stryker, Trivitron, Nipro, Biocare and others.
- NST machine / Fetal monitor / CTG
NST machine / Cardiotocograph is used for recording fetal heart beats and uterine contraction during pregnancy and the technique is cardiotocography.
A CTG done in third trimester is also known as a ‘non stress test’ because your baby is not under the ‘stress’ of labor. Fetal monitoring is done by measuring the fetal heart and uterine contractions using two transducers simultaneously. In external fetal monitoring two transducers (pressure sensitive contraction transducer and fetal heart rate transducer) are strapped on the abdominal wall, while in internal fetal monitoring fetal heart rate transducer is replaced by smaller lead which is placed in vagina and attached with head of baby. Women with high risk pregnancies or having their labour induced or augmented with medicine are observed by connecting electric fetal monitor continuously.
Brands available are BPL, Sunray, Niscomed, Sunshine, Technocare and others.
- Patient monitor
Patient monitor tracks heart and breathing rates. It is attached to patient with small adhesive monitoring pads. The monitor displays information on the screen, which can be printed on paper. An alarm will sound if heart or breathing rate becomes too fast or too slow.
Brands available are GE Carescape B450, B650, V100, B40, B20, Fanem, Fisher & Paykel, Galtron ,Hospitech, Mathurams Neokraft, Neumovent, Nice Neotech, Perfect Technology, Phoenix, Pragathi, Zeal , IBIS and Others.
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)
Click here to read our other blog to know about equipment needed to set-up a NICU.
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