Planning to set up a diagnostic centre or just a lab? Wondering where you could get a list of diagnostic equipment needed? Need help with diagnostic lab equipment list and cost, so as to plan and budget for the project? Look no further. This blog will help in understanding what diagnostic equipment are suitable for the market and how much investment would be required.
Cost of Equipment for a Small Diagnostic Lab
A very basic small lab setup either in a small location (with not more than 20-30 patients a day) or one serving as a stat lab within a nursing home or hospital will need at the minimum the following equipment:
- 3-part differential cell counter
- Semi-automatic biochemistry analyser
- Centrifuge
- Binocular Microscope
- Incubator
- Autoclave/ sterilizer
- Reagents & Consumables
- Refrigerator
This will help cover basic hematology, biochemistry tests and sample collection & preparation to outsource all other tests.
Even if going for minimum specifications and cheapest equipment models, for the above one should budget for at least Rs 5-7 lakhs of investment.
If however you are considering refurbished/ used equipment, costs could be half or 65% of the above.
Cost of equipment for medium-to-large Lab
You may be setting up a medium-to-large Lab because your scope of work includes larger number and types of tests. In that case you would need more number of equipment.
In addition, depending on the volumes and number of parameters to be reported etc., it is possible that a 3-part differential cell counter or semi-automatic biochemistry analyser may not be sufficient.
On the whole, cost of setting up a medium/large lab will be much higher. Planning to set-up a Diagnostic Lab? Want to know how much it would cost?
Download a list of equipment required for a diagnostic lab with cost estimates @ just Rs 500.
Download Equipment List for just Rs 500
Read on … to understand how & why cost of equipment differs? Scroll down further… to know what Radiology equipment you should consider for your diagnostic centre and their rough costs.
Features to consider when selecting equipment for medium/large Lab
Hematology Analyser
Cell Counter is a must-have for any Lab. However, the price of a cell counter could vary from Rs 1-16 lakhs or more, based on
- how automated the system is,
- # of parameters need reporting e.g. Cell counters may report on ranging from the classic 8 parameters to 36 parameters and 2-6 histograms and scatter diagrams.
- throughput (samples/hour),
- sample volume & modes,
- close/ open system,
- data storage capability, digital connectivity, HL7 compatibility,
- hardware features like display, touchscreen, dimensions, weight etc. and finally
- condition of the equipment – New/Used/Refurbished
If you are taking on rental basis, equipment may be free but you have to pay for the reagents on a minimum volume basis.
Should you go for a 3-part or 5/6-part differential cell counter? Read more about this to decide.
Bio-chemistry analyser
Bio-chemistry analyser is also one of the most basic equipment for any Lab. However, the price of a bio-chemistry analyser could vary from less than a lakh to more than Rs 10 lakhs or more, based on
- how automated the system is,
- how many user-defined test programs can be done,
- of analysis/ assay modes (from 9 to >100),
- throughput could be as less as 100 to as much as 2400 tests/hour,
- photometric range,
- interference filters, memory, QC, measuring module,
- aspiration volume,
- data storage capability, digital connectivity, HL7 compatibility,
- hardware features like built-in printer, display, touchscreen, dimensions, weight etc. and finally
- condition of the equipment – New/Used/Refurbished
If you are taking on rental basis, equipment may be free but you have to pay for the reagents on a minimum commitment basis.
Other Analysers
Similarly Immunology, Urine Analysis, Electrolyte and/or ESR analysers and cost of all other systems essentially varies based on
- degree of automation,
- accuracy of outcomes,
- throughput,
- # of parameters of reporting capability,
- cost efficiencies etc.
MNC brands mostly have automated closed systems. Indian companies have a mix of automated & Semi automated systems, but are mostly open systems. In general, lesser the level of automation, more open the system, lesser parameters or test capabilities being handled – cheaper the equipment is going to be.
Radiology & Imaging equipment for Diagnostic Centre
In addition to IV Diagnostic equipment, typically diagnostic centres offer basic X-Ray and Ultrasound facilities too.
Digital X-Ray
Most hospitals and diagnostic centres go for an X-Ray machine and CR System to replace a digital X-Ray system. An X-Ray machine (100mA-500mA) would cost between Rs 2-7 lakhs. Minimum cost of a new CR System could be around Rs 6 lakhs. So in less than Rs 1 million one could own a new digital X-Ray system with (X-Ray machine / CR System combo).
Sonography Machine
Ultrasound machine price in India varies anywhere between Rs 3-75 lakhs based on various parameters. For a diagnostic centre a general purpose, colour Doppler ultrasound machine with four probes is recommended.
If your centre is aiming to do preventive health checks, consider the following equipment additionally:
- Mammography
- Bone Mineral Densitometry machine
- Treadmill Test (TMT machine)
- PFT/ Spirometer
A high-end Diagnostic Centre would also feature CT Scanner and MRI machine. Cost of these systems vary widely based on their technical specification and capabilities.
Download a list of equipment required for a diagnostic lab with cost estimates @ just Rs 500.
Download Equipment List for just Rs 500
PrimedeQ is an eMarketplace for medical equipment. We offer all types of used & refurbished lab & imaging equipment including used / refurbished GE ultrasound machines and other used ultrasound machines from Philips and Siemens. We also offer repair & maintenance services at www.Primedeq.com. Contact us at +918971223957 or +917019759765 for all your medical equipment related needs.