Assisted Reproductive Technology Lab Set up

Assisted Reproductive Technology Lab Set up


Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) provides a solution for couples suffering from infertility. The IVF laboratory for Assisted Reproductive Technology provides optimal environment for gametes and embryos, making pregnancy possible.

Laminar Air Flow

Laminar airflow provides filtered air which moves along separate parallel flow planes to surgical theatres bacteriology work areas patient rooms, nurseries or food preparation areas. This airflow helps to prevent bacterial contamination and accumulation of hazardous fumes where the work environment will be polluted. Laminar airflow provides grade-A environment.

Designing, upgrading or optimizing a laboratory for human assisted reproduction technology which is best known as IVF is best tackled using a systems approach combined with process control. IVF chamber define everything that happens during the entire process, paying special attention to interactive factors. It designs strategies to eliminate all suspected adverse influences that can affect equipment, component processes or procedures.

Brands available: Supraclean Andrology workstation, Supraclean IVF workstation, IVFTECH



Microscope are very important for in-vitro fertilization (IVF). Assisted Reproductive Technology microscopes have been designed for precise reproductive work.

These microscopes are used depending on the part of the reproductive analysis process to be done. Like-

  • Upright microscopes are used for semen analysis and sperm preparation.
  • Stereo zoom microscopes are used for first sorting.
  • Inverted microscopes are used to assess morphology.
  • ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection) system and IMSI require high resolution and high contrast microscopy.

Brands available: Magnus, Nikon, Olympus



Centrifuge is needed for Semen preparation in intrauterine insemination (IUI). It enables the motile sperm recovery from the parent semen sample.

It helps in comparison of non-temperature and temperature controlled centrifugation in cases of unexplained infertility.

Brands available: Fornax Spermfuge, Remi Centrifuge


Test tube warmer

The test tube warmer is a handheld device with Li-ion rechargeable battery. The warmer is equipped with heating element, digital sensor, microcontroller, non-volatile memory and LED indicators. When placed on base station, it gets connected electrically by its contacts. These contacts in turn help base station and mobile device to communicate with each other.

Brands available: Ketan Digital Heating block


Sperm counting chamber

Sperm counting chamber is a device for accurate count of sperm. It also helps in evaluation of their motility and morphology from undiluted specimen.  Like, Makler gives concentration of spermetozoa in million /ml, when any strip of 10 squares is counted.

Brands available: Makler chamber, Proiser Spermtrack


Sperm Analyser / Computer assisted semen analysis (CASA)

Computer assisted sperm analysis (CASA) provides a simple and rapid quantitative assessment of the quality of the sperm and predict its ability to fertilize eggs. It is considered as automatic or semi-automatic technique of semen analysis. This method assesses sperm mobility on the basis of image analysis.

After that the collected sample of sperm is evaluated through a imaging system referred to as CASA.

Brands available: Proiser CASA, Hamilton Thorne


CO2 incubator

Cells and tissue cultures are grown in the laboratory in vitro, for several weeks, in an environment which is as natural as possible. In a CO2 incubator cultivation takes place, in which not only the temperature, but also the humidity and carbon dioxide content, must be controllable. In addition to this, the oxygen and nitrogen content can also be adjusted in some appliance. This protects valuable gamets while optimising cell growth.

Brands available: Thermo Scientific Heracell CO2 incubators


Craft Suction pump

Craft Suction Pump provides a smooth low volume suction at a predetermined negative pressure. Suction is controlled by a foot operated switch. The pump may also be used in other procedures such as endometrial sampling.

Brands available: Rocket Craft , COOK


Oocyte Aspiration Pump 

Oocyte Aspiration Pump  provides smooth, low volume vacuum at pre-determined negative pressure which allows simple, low turbulence, oocyte recovery.

Brands available: Rocket Craft , COOK


Cryopreservation equipment

They are used for cryopreservation of biological specimens as human sperm, eggs and embryos within the laboratory. There is a tissue bank where the oocytes (eggs), sperm and embryos are freeze and stored, for the patients.

All the tissues in the bank is stored frozen in liquid nitrogen at a temperature of -1960C in vacuum lined tanks which are monitored and are computer controlled.

Brands available : Cryologic Freeze control


Bio safety cabinet

biosafety cabinet is also called a biological safety cabinet or microbiological safety cabinet. It is an enclosed, ventilated laboratory workspace which helps in working safely with materials contaminated with pathogens requiring a defined biosafety level. There are several different types of Bio safety cabinet, differentiated by the degree of biocontainment required.

The main purpose of a Bio safety cabinet is to serve as a means to protect the laboratory worker and the surrounding environment from pathogens.

Brands available : Health Mate Plus 450, IVFtech


Anti-vibration table

Vibration free table is used for micromanipulation in IVF labs. Anti-Vibration Table is made for use in the laboratory which provide suitable working conditions for all the devices that are very sensitive to vibrations and shocks.


Full Forms

ICSI – Intracytoplasmic sperm injection

ART – Assisted Reproductive Technology

IVF – Invitro Fertilization

IUI – Intrauterine insemination

CASA – Computer assisted sperm analysis




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